Cat in Chinese Food.Do vietnamese people really eat dogs or cats? thing is that in many rural parts of Vietnam and China many ppl do in fact eat dogs and cats.
Do They Really Eat Dog? |, some do. I know someone who visited China and there were crates in the market with cats and puppies. China is a big country with a lot of poor.
Do Chinese people really eat cats and dogs? - Page 2.
Dose Asian people really eat cats? - Yahoo! Answers.
Chinese people eat cats. do you? - Yahoo! Answers.Jun 25, 2012. What do you expect from a country where eating a tigers penis is. I don't really like seeing dogs in cages like that, but then again China is a. does Chinese people really eat cats and dogs? them and kill them please help the poor pets by killing Chinese fellows. Yes they really do. Feb 21, 2012. The chinese should probably stop eating dogs too. Dogs make you feel. Cats really don't need you to clear up their shit. They don't need you.
do people really eat dogs in china
Do they really eat dogs in China and the Philippines? - Yahoo! Answers.
do people really eat dogs in china
Eating dog in China.
Inside the cat and dog meat market in China - Asian people really eat cats? I have heard that some people in certain regions of China will eat cats and dogs and whatever. If that is. To actually witness the facts of their pain and suffering in modern day China is. What Can You Do to Help End Dog Cruelty and Animal Abuse in China? 1).
Is it true that people in China eat dogs and cats? - Yahoo! Answers.